
Mini Book Haul

Hello everyone!

Today's blog post is a mini book haul! Book hauls are things that make me SO happy, but they are probably very bad for health and my wallet. I stood between bookshelves of a the book shop as my heart palpitated and stress coursed through my veins. Shopping for books should be a pleasurable experience, but for me it is incredibly exhausting wanting to buy every second book I see, but not having the budget for it. (Side note, how cool would it be to have a no budget book shopping spree?!)

On this visit to the bookstore I was pretty good at restraining myself. I only bought two books: A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Mass and The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riodan. I had originally went to the bookshop to buy the new Rick Riodan novel, because duhh, it's a NEW Riodan book  I had felt like I had waited for this book for an eternity for this book to be released. I was planning to pre-order it online, but after a little incident involving sleep deprivation and an intense feeling that I did not own enough material goods that I have no need of, my parents unanimously agreed that perhaps that I shouldn't be allowed to shop online. *looks around guiltily*

Upon arriving at the bookstore I grabbed The Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle and whispered 'my precious' to it... *insert background laughter used in TV shows* I'm joking I only took the book into my hands and stared at it adoringly, The latter one was not a joke, ahaha. I then wondered around the store until I decided that before I lost my self control I should leave. As I was waiting in line, my eyes fell on A Court of Mist and Fury. In that moment, A spotlight seemed to shine on it and angels seemed to sing 'Hallelujah Hallelujah'. My self restraint melted and I left the store with two books, which is not too bad.

That was my mini book haul for today. I'm so excited to read these books and will have my thoughts up soon on my BookTube channel, so keep a look out for that! I have exams coming up next week, so I will be a little busy, but I'll post as often as humanly possible,

Happy reading!!

-xox The girl with her head in the clouds

aka Kellie :P


Hi my name is Kellie and I like to read. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter and pizza. I have no pets, but I did have a sunflower plant that I accidentally killed (RIP Sunny). You may be wondering, 'What is with the introduction?'. Well my curious readers, it has been a while since my last post and I'm a little afraid that you have forgotten who I am.

I was neck deep into exam revision and I thought about how unhappy I was. I blissfully thought about how I'd rather be reading or do anything other then studying. Then I was distressingly hit with the realisation that I had subjected my poor blog to neglect. Urgh :( It was then that I decided that I couldn't let this continue. I have given my blog a make over (how good those it look now?!) and now I feel so motivated to post at least once a week (don't quote me on that though, because I think we all know that I am not the best at following schedules, XD).

Here is to a start of a more constant blogging schedule!

-xox Kellie