
Ilvermony Sorting

Hello beautiful!

Today's post is a little overdue, but better late than never! Around 2 months ago, the queen herself, J. K Rowling, released the much anticipated details about Ilvermony, the American school of magic. *squeals*

These details have been demanded by fans ever since it was revealed that there were wizarding schools in America and that Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them would be set in America. We've all been buzzing with excitement and anxiously waiting. Our efforts all paid off when the quiz for Ilvermony was released on Pottermore. This is just a post to say that I've been sorted into Thunderbird. Yay! 

My understanding is that the thunderbird is a magical creature that was one of the founders favourite creatures. I believe that they create storms when the fly, hence the 'thunder' in the name. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Although I hate to admit it, I do make mistakes because I'm human. Unfortunately my quest to become a witch or fairy has not succeeded. *sniffles* The sorting quiz informed me that this house favours adventurers and as an Internet child that sounds exactly like me... I love adventures to my fridge and back to my bedroom, AHAHA.

I would love to know what house you've been sorted into! Please put it in the comments below. I'm honestly very curious. I'm also unhumanly excited to find out more about the American wizarding society in Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them! I want to know about their Magical Congress and more about my house. It's such an exciting year for the Harry Potter fandom. Thank goodness you're never too magic!

Happy reading!!

-xox The girl with her head in the clouds

aka Kellie :P