
BookTube vs Book Blogs

Hello everyone!

First and foremost I want to wish everyone a happy new year! I know it is a little late but this is after all my first post for 2016. For today's post I have a topic that I've been thinking about maybe too much lately and that is BookTube against book blogs. For those who are not familiar with BookTube, it is a community on YouTube that talks about books. BookTube is quite popular and some of the most popular BookTubers have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. I am also a BookTuber who admittedly has NOWHERE near that many subscribers. What I really enjoy about BookTube is that it's so fun. I just sit in my room and talk to a camera and fangirl about books like I do with my friends. Blogging to me is also like that with videos it has a whole other element to it.

I don't know if many people know this but I have a very deep love for photography. I'm not very good but I love it and my Canon 600d is my baby. I love trying to improve my video quality and investigating different lenses. I really want to expand my BookTube and create the best quality videos that I possibly can, but that in turns takes up a lot of my free time that I used to use for blogging. I feel torn because I love both but don't have time to make them both good, so one has suffer. That is why my blog content has also been suffering lately. I just have all this inner turmoil because of this.

I also feel like I can't make a video about something and then talk about it on my blog so that is why I have also been feeling like I do not have enough to talk about about. No one wants to watch a video on a specific book and then read a blog post about it. Do you ever have those moods where you feel like you have nothing to talk about and you're not interesting? That happens to me sometimes and that prevents me from wanting to post anywhere.

Here is one of my videos if you would like to check it out. It is quite old but there are more recent ones here if you'd like to check it out. If you check it out and subscribe if you like it I'd be soooo grateful :)

At the end of the day I love both platforms. I just really enjoy anything that allows me to express my love for books. I think what we learnt today is that I need to balance both and not let one prevent me from doing the other.

I hope that you have a great new year and can learn to balance whatever you need to If you already have good balance in your life I'm very jealous of you and wish to learn your craft, ahaha. :D