
Fangirl Review/Thoughts

I just finished reading Fangirl last night and this is my review/thoughts. I feel like I never do reviews any more instead I do a weird a mix of a review and thoughts. A review is structured and sounds very formal while what I do is write what my brain spews up about a book. Haha...


Publishing Date: First published in 2013 in the US by St. Martin's Press
Page Count: 461 pages (my edition had an interview with Rainbow Rowell and some extract content and I didn't count that. I only counted the pages that were the actual book)
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Format: Paperback
Quick Summary:
Cath is a university student who is very scared and hesitant about change, so starting university is a big deal for her. Cath thought that she was going to be alright, because her identical twin sister is coming with, but her sister Wren doesn't want to do everything together anymore. Cath then finds comfort in writing fan fiction. This is a book about Cath's year at college and how her year opens new opportunities and experiences for her, but it's all about whether she's willing to open up and learn that the'r more to live and love then she ever knew.

No Spoilers Section:

Fangirl is such a good book! It so accurately describes the life of a Fangirl. This book was just amazing. The only other book I've read by Eleanor and Park and I loved that book so much, so I went in with some high expectations. I was not disappointed. I don't know which one I loved more. Fangirl is amazing and Rainbow Rowell is one go my new Queens. Cath is a great character and I connect to her so much, because we have so many things in common.

List of things we have in common:

  • Social Anxiety
  • Fear of change and new people
  • Loves fandoms and fanfiction
  • Awkward in social situations
  • Doesn't like people who drink just because everyone else does
  • Love for writing 
Cath isn't that perfect 'quirky, I think I'm ugly but I'm actually drop dead gorgeous and I'll do anything to get guys' kind of female character. Cath is realistic and an awesome character. She's so awesome and sounds like the kind go person I'd love to be friends with. Her sister Wren sort of annoyed me at some parts, but she's pretty cool and the plot was awesome. It's realistic and so amazingly written. I have so much love and respect for Rainbow Rowell for writing a book I love so much with such amazing characters. I can't really say much else without spoiling anything, so go read the book and then come back! :) I can't recommend this book enough it's so good, but I don't think anyone under 13 should read it, because some scenes can be quite confronting. 

Spoilers Section:

I just want to start this off by talking about Levi. Oh my gosh Levi! He's amazing! Where can I get my own Levi? I love him so much. Especially that seen in that scene in the bar where Levi stood up for them and had that speech about how father's shouldn't have to worry every time their daughters leave the house. That speech was amazing and made me tear up. I only did't like two things about Levi. The first is how in the laundry scene he acted like a jerk and undermined Cath's strength because she was a girl. I'm all for chivalry, but Cath repeatedly asked for him to give it back and he was just being a jerk (admittedly a king, caring and awesome jerk). The second thing that I don't like about him is how he seems to have no faults. He helps her in everything and comes straight to her when she needs help. He's perfect, but people aren't perfect. What I loved about Cath is that she wasn't perfect and she had her faults, but Levi is just perfect. (I'm not complaining about that, Levi is awesome, but I would have liked one other flaw besides from helping Cath too much.)

I want to elaborate a little more about what I said in the no spoilers section. I really liked Wren and it really hurt when she went into the hospital, but in some parts of the book I was so frustrated by her. Especially while their dad was trying to help her and her excuse for drinking was that everyone did it. It was so frustrating! Although over all I love their relationship because it was sweet without over doing it. I have a sister myself and although we aren't twins, I know how it feels to have a sister and I think that Rainbow Rowell wrote it perfectly. Sisters fight, but at the end of the they they always care for each other.

Cath was such a cool character to read. I haven't read that a surplus of books where the protagonist suffers from social anxiety. While reading about her I really connected to her and that made me like the book so much more. I always loved her relationship with her dad. I felt so bad for her dad and I just wanted to give him a hug. He was so perfectly written. Another character that was perfectly written was Reagan. I loved Reagan. She was witty, straightforward and sarcastic. I'm not sure if I'd be friends with her if she was a real person, but as a character I really liked her. I character who I won't like in real life or in the book was Nick. I really didn't like him and how he tried to make Cath feel made for his mistakes that lead him to lose his teaching assistantship. Just typing about him makes me upset.

Overall I love this book and I can't believe that I haven't read it sooner. I can't wait for Carry On to come out. If the extracts in Fangirl are anything to go by, it will be great. This book is so good and if you have a friend who likes to read Young Adult fiction or you like to read it I strongly recommend it, but like I stated before this book might be confronting for anyone who is under 13. Right now I'm just so excited for Carry On! This book is so good and I love it!

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