
The Giver Book Review!

Hello wonderful people of the blogosphere! Today I'm coming at with a new book review! This book review is a little late. Like 21 years late... Haha, but if you read my previous blog post you would know that I'm reading The Giver by Lois Lowry, well have read. Everyone in my class haven't finished yet,  but I couldn't resist reading an extra chapter then that lead to reading the whole book. Whoops... Since I finished it I thought that I should do another book review, because I love doing them and this is a good chance to write another book review. So here we go!


Publishing date: First published in 1993
Page count: 224 (Not including the advertising in the back and the introduction)
Author: Lois Lowry
Format: Paperback

Quick Summary:

Jonas is a twelve living in the Community. At the Ceremony of Twelve he receives the assignment of 'Receiver' which will be his job until he goes into the House of the Old. While receiving his training with 'The Giver' he discovers that behind the community's perfect facade it hides dark secrets and once he finds them out he can't go back to the life he had lived before. (That's the best way I can explain it without spoiling anything :) )

General thoughts: (No Spoilers)

The Giver was such an eye opening book for me. I thought that it was so well written, and since it's targeted towards children it's quite easy to understand. Jonas was a well rounded character and one easy to believe. Some authors write in the perspective of young characters, but right in a weird way, that it sounds like a 20 year old is talking instead. Lois Lowry got the perfect balance innocence and at the end she blended it with the right amount maturity. I loved the ending and thought that he fitted in with the whole story.

I heard so many positive things about this book, so while I read it I felt that I already had high expectations for it. Although I do wish that I could have read the book without having expectations of it before, although I was not disappointed. I absolutely adored the message about the importance of memories. I believe that a person is a blended smoothie of their dreams, hopes, goals in life and memories so I really enjoyed the way this book talked about the magic of memories.

Overall I found this book very enjoyable and very well written. It found myself wanting to keep on reading even though I didn't have to. The story capturing my heart and delighted my brain with questions I've never thought to think of. I give this book 4 daisies out of 5!

By the way my class is going to watch The Giver, but I'm dreading it so much, because I really liked the book and don't want to watch the story be butchered by Hollywood. Although I'm sort of excited because we're going to watch the movie and have a fun day in the city. Lets just hope the movie is good and it's not raining when we go into the city. :)

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